Moore Philosophical and Theological Reflections

Debunking Plantinga is a book review that examines the conflict between science and religion at the very foundation of philosophy—at the level of epistemology. Religions seek to discover truth through faith in the revealed “Word.” In Christianity for example, truth is sought through study of scripture, which is assumed to be divinely inspired.  Science in contrast is based on skepticism of “revealed truths” but rather pursues truth by testing alternative hypotheses against empirical evidence.

The Book of Job: A Paradigm Shift in the Judeo-Christian Theory of God.
The Old Testament Book of Job addresses the paradox in the Judeo-Christian tradition of why a benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient God allows bad things to happen to good people. This essay portrays the Book of Job as a paradigm shift in the “theory of God” comparable to paradigm shifts in science when an earlier theory is supplanted by a new theory that better explains the observations.

Job rebuked by his friends for his sinful ways

Job rebuked by his friends for his sinful ways from William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job, 1826.

Access to .pdf files can be accessed through the links below:
Moore, W. S. The Book of Job: A paradigm Shift in the Judeo-Christian Theory of God. Page 4.
Moore, W. S. 2013. Debunking Plantinga. Skeptic Magazine 18:61-63.